Severe Thunderstorm Warnings: Stay Informed and Stay Safe
What is a Severe Thunderstorm Warning?
A severe thunderstorm warning is issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) when a thunderstorm is imminent or ongoing and is expected to produce:
- Damaging winds of 58 mph or higher
- Hail one inch or greater in diameter
- Frequent lightning
When and Where Thunderstorm Warnings Are Issued
The NWS issues severe thunderstorm warnings based on radar and satellite data. Warnings are typically issued for small areas, typically counties or parts of counties. They can be issued at any time of day or night.
What to Do When a Severe Thunderstorm Warning Is Issued
If you are in the path of a severe thunderstorm, it is important to take immediate action to stay safe:
- Take shelter in a sturdy building, preferably in a basement or interior room.
- Stay away from windows and doors.
- Listen to a battery-powered radio or television for updates on the storm.
- Avoid driving, if possible.
- If you are caught outside, seek shelter in a low-lying area and avoid tall trees, power lines, and water.
Additional Information
For more information on severe thunderstorms, please visit the NWS website: